I have tested the 2 apps on the same trail in Denver. Here is what I found:
Total Distance: iTrail was off by 0.7 Miles, TR by 1.5 Miles.
Map feature: iTrail and RK maped the route with about the same accuracy.
Features that I find better on iTrail are:
1. You can lock the app so you dont accidentaly turn it off
2. Altitude graphing mode. However chart is small and cannot be exported. RK is working on altitude tracking.
3. Ability to print route in Google map and Earth. However, requires several steps to export.
4. Waypoints
Would like to be able to save data on PC like RK feature.
Things I like about RunKeeper:
1. Website to track your workouts with map. (However, when printing map, only waypoints print, not route lines)
2. Better, cleaner app (in my opinion)
Would like: Possibility to edit workouts on website. Altitude graphing Distance vs. altitude or time. Ability to print map with depicted route. Lock screen feature.
Overall both apps have their pros and cons. Both worked fairly well and delivered similar results.
Meerkat of the Rockies about iTrail